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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sleepy Boy!

Dan came home from work so tired (as he frequently does from me keeping him up late) and he had brought me one of my favorite presents -- Gummy Bears! He came in with them and crashed on the bed. I went in to talk with him and couldn't resist the urge....

My Sweetie-baby (yes, that is what i call him) is not actually asleep here; He just didn't want people thinking that he was awake when I did this and that he let me ;)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I love my Husband!

Dan is so sweet to me all the time! He always is being super patient and is always thinking of me! We've been married a 15months now and he still makes time to cuddle every night and bring me flowers!

Yesterday when i got home i walked in to a seeming normal house and out of no where totally joking [to Dan] i said "hi to my husband who didn't bring me flowers today" and i gave him a kiss! He says "yeah no..." and then reached his hand back onto a book shelve behind the corner and -- what do you know --- He had freekin brought me flowers!!!

I love my husband so much! I just have to brag about him a little! In return for all the super sweet things he does fo me; I bake him lots of goodies!! This week he got 2 kinds of lemon bars (i was comparing), 2 chocolate cakes (I was comparing again) and a Pecan Pie (because he asked for one)

Oh and by the way.... If you want the best ever pecan pie just take your old fashion Pecan pie recipe and where it calls for 1 cup corn syrup SUBSTITUTE IT for 1/2 Cup Pure maple syrup and 1/2Cup Dark Corn syrup!

Makes an absolute delish dessert! Eat it with coffee ice cream if you want to keel over from absolute goodness!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Oh Man! I got Tagged!

8 TV shows I love to watch:
1.Desperate housewives
2.Criminal Minds
5.Law and Order
7.Pushing Daises

8 favorite places I love to eat:
1.Mesa Rosa
3.Jardin Corona
5.Any smoothie place
6.Short Stop
7.My Moms house
8.My Mother-in-laws house

8 things that happened yesterday
1. Had a bad cold
2.Went to the doctor
3.Had a worse cold
4.Blew my nose a hundred billion times
5.Laid on the couch for hours (all day) and watched pointless shows
6.Took my husband tuna sandwiches for lunch
7.Brushed my teeth
8.Had my husband make me cheese crackers and bring me milk

8 things I look forward to:
1. The sweet kiss Dan gives me as he pulls his blanket over me in the morning on the way out the door for work.
2. Seeing my husband; Dan come home everyday
3. Going to sleep
4. Eating out
5. Having a baby
6. Being debt free
7. Not working a “job” any more (one day, a very long time from now)
8. Buying a home

8 things I love about Fall:
1.Its cold
2.Its not Hot
3.I get to wear all my cute trendy coats
5.Seeing my breath when I Breathe!!!
6.The possibility of snow
7.Cuddling to stay warm outside with hot chocolate!
8.It’s a very romantic time of year

8 things on my wish list:
1. Sex and the City HBO box set
2. Getting Pregnant
3. A 5 bedroom one story home
4. For my husband and I to stay in “happily ever after land” forever
5. To actually read and finish the Book Of Mormon without giving up and coming back later.
6. Being very rich so that I can have all the things I want
7. A shelve in my pantry
8. For my husband to finish school

8 people I tag